lbJAL|used to scan specified TKWALxdirectory to find out TXdALpsome zip and jar  TeqA~Ltarchives. Then all Tr~AqLtclasses from these  TAdLtarchives are to be TxAWL\loaded.( ( ( &% '% V0\cHQHQ{E'% V(W\chEE{Q{% % Tj=vAyLxThis new ClassLoader TwPAlLcorresponds "class loaders TaA_Lphilosophy" of Java2 Platform ( ( ( &% '% V0|tgbb[Vg'% V(h|tVgV[b[% % TLA Y LdNote, that TtA LLpZipJarClassLoader TiA ?Lpshould check all TfA 2Lpsuper-classes to T^A %Lhcheck Service TUA  L`dependency( ( ( '% &% +>% ( % ( % % +;T!-A LdinterfaceRpARIALY|@|LI*w-II(-Uw@*ww-III0]wDl@ I@l-K;l-IIIUw%w 2x-IxIdv% T1;AoLploader::Repository% ;6   @@TXRD[PA@LP+ % TcDPAQ Lhinit() : void% % TXRQ[]A@LP+ % TcQ]AQ!LisServiceLoaded(String) : boolean% % TXR^[jA@LP+ % Tc^jAQ!LisServiceActive(String) : boolean% % TXRk[wA@xLP+ % TckwAQxLinitService(String) : void% % TXRx[A@kLP+ % TcxAQkLstopService(String) : void% % TXR[A@^LP+ % TcAQ^L|reloadServices() : void% % TXR[A@QLP+ % TcAQQL|stopAllServices() : void% % TXR[A@DLP+ % TcAQDLgetServiceNames() : String[]% % TXR[A@7LP+ % T$c AQ7$LgetServiceInstance(String) : Service% % TXR[A@*LP+ % TcAQ*Lhclose() : void% %  '% &% +.% ( % ( ++% TaOZAOLloader::FileSystemRepository % 6+   @@TXi"uAzLP+ T*iuAzLFileSystemRepository(String) TXv"AmLP+ T*v\Am Lhinit() : voidTX"A`LP+ T*A`!LisServiceLoaded(String) : booleanTX"ASLP+ T*AS!LisServiceActive(String) : booleanTX"AFLP+ T*AFLinitService(String) : voidTX"A9LP+ T*A9LstopService(String) : voidTX"A,LP+ T*A,L|reloadServices() : voidJTX"ALP+ T*AL|stopAllServices() : voidTX"ALP+ T*ALgetServiceNames() : String[] TX"ALP+ T$*A$LgetServiceInstance(String) : ServiceTX"ALP+ T*eALhclose() : void &% '% V01&&' % V(&% % TyALFileSystemRepository uses  T<A (LZipJarFileClassLoader to load plug-in's T,A%Lclasses from Zip and/or Jar archives.J T,A%LThen RTTI mechanism used to separate   T\ A-Lentry points of plug-ins. (classes, derrived (TP A+Lfrom Service) then new plug-in's instances  T$%A$Lare created and stored to repository( ( ( &% '% V0#ByBym' % V(#/mmy% % T1j=A LpRepository is an T>sJA Ltinterface provides TKnWA Lpaccess to loaded TXEdA  L`plug-ins.Te~qA ~LtLoaded plug-ins are Tr}~A qLxalso called services, TA dLxbecause they provide TYA W Ldsome service ( ( ( &% 6666  66666!$6&(6+-6/264668;6=?6BD6FH6KM 6O R6TV6YYV(^kV LY    % ( &% ,6   6 6    % ( % ( ( % ( % (